Dec 20, 2007
Frank Waeltring interviews LED practitioners from several South
East European countries. They share some of their main learning
Dec 15, 2007
Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke and Martin Doherty talk about the relevance of sanitary and phytosanitary standards in global value chains, their impact on producers, and possible responses by producers, including efforts to move into niche products or innovative, unusual products. -- We apologise for the poor sound quality...
Dec 8, 2007
Colin Mitchell explains a simple workshop format to engage with
stakeholders at a very early stage of an LED process, asking them:
What makes you mad? What makes you glad? What makes you sad?
Nov 25, 2007
Jorg Meyer-Stamer interviews Mark Lundy of the Agribusiness Group at the Center for Tropical Agriculture, They talk about CIAT's "learning community" around value chain development, surprising experiences with powerful buyers, and what often goes wrong in value chain...
Nov 18, 2007
Shawn and Jorg explain how to use Michael Porter's Five Forces
Concept as a tool in a quick workshop with local businesses from
the same subsector.