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Dec 29, 2008

Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke and Frank Waeltring interview Jorg Meyer-Stamer on the second part of his career, working as an advisor and trainer and founding mesopartner.

This is the second of two LEDcasts which come as a companion to a book that Ulrich and Frank edited on the occasion of Jorg's 50th birthday. This "birthday...

Dec 21, 2008

Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke and Frank Waeltring interview Jorg Meyer-Stamer on the first part of his career, when he was working in academia and policy research.

This is the first of two LEDcasts which come as a companion to a book that Ulrich and Frank edited on the occasion of Jorg's 50th birthday. This "birthday...

Dec 12, 2008

Shawn and Jorg explore the relevance of national, regional and sectoral innovation systems and discuss practical ways of changing the way in which they work.

Nov 29, 2008

Kicking off a new series, Shawn and Jorg have a conversation on some basic concepts and issues around innovation.

Nov 14, 2008

Clive Pegus tells Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke how the carnival in Trinidad is an important factor in the local economy, not only due to its growth and the tourism it attracts but also because it has spawned carnivals in other cities around the world.